Luneau Lab

at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden
The Luneau Lab focuses on heterogeneous catalysis (thermocatalysis and electrocatalysis) for sustainable reactions. 

Using a multidisciplinary approach covering aspects of materials synthesis, test and advanced characterization, the group aims to establish principles for the design of more efficient catalytic materials.

Electrocatalysis projects:

Fuel cell electrocatalysts based on abundant metals with enhanced mass transport 

Novel electrocatalysts with high atomic efficiency for carbon dioxide electroreduction 

Novel electrocatalysts with high atomic efficiency for the electrochemical reduction of bio-based compounds 
Thermocatalysis projects:

Selective hydrogenation on dilute alloy catalysts 

Selective hydrogenation on single atom catalysts


Mathilde Luneau

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Chalmers University of Technology

Kemigården 4
412 96 Gothenburg