Luneau Lab

at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden


Assistant Professor, PI
Mathilde Luneau is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Before joining Chalmers, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, USA in the group of Prof. Cynthia Friend. Mathilde obtained her PhD from the University of Lyon, France in 2016 where she worked at the Institute of Research on Catalysis and Environment (IRCELyon).
PhD student
Arma is working on the synthesis of well-defined and highly atomic efficient electrocatalysts for carbon dioxide electroreduction. Arma obtained his master's degree in Material Science and Nanotechnology from Bilkent University, Turkey and his bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria.
Michael is working on the development of electrocatalysts with high mass transport and high atomic efficiency for the hydrogen oxidation reaction. Michael obtained his PhD from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in the Polaritonics group under Professor Daniel Gomez. He also earned a double bachelor's degree at RMIT in applied chemistry and nanotechnology.
Research Assistant / Master's Student
Ellen is a research assistant. She is working with Arma to synthesize well-defined, highly atom-efficient electrocatalysts for carbon dioxide electroreduction. She will be graduating with a Master of Science in Materials Chemistry, earning her degree as a civil engineer from Chalmers.


Ruby Susan Raju
PhD student - Giovannitti's group at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - Chalmers

Björn Lönn
PhD student - Wickman's group at the Department of Physics - Chalmers


Deya Sallaberry - Summer intern - 2024 
Ruby Susan Raju - Research Assistant/Master Student - 2023/2024